Category: Self-care

  • Mirror, Mirror on the wall: Tell me I’m enough…

    Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all? or Magic Mirror on the wall if you are talking about the original Snow White. This is one of the most memorable lines from the movie. IT’S EAST TO PICK OUT THE FLAWS We seem to be our worst critics. Maybe it’s the blemish on…

  • Why Failure is Great

    Today I want to talk… err… write about failure.  Failure to complete things in a timely matter.  Maybe the failure to follow through. You can use your imagination although you probably don’t have to. It’s pretty easy to think about something that did not go quite as expected. We all feel failure just in different…

  • Fragile: Handle with Care

    Sometimes it feels as if the world is just too much. I was even feeling this long before we were adapting to life during a global pandemic. But let’s scale this way back. To just the everyday issues that pop up. You know, the issues that happen at home but don’t seem to stay there.…

  • Fifteen Minutes to Feeling Better and Breaking the Funk

    Do you ever wish someone gave you a timeout? Those days when your inner voice sounds like a cranky toddler, it’s trying to tell you to do exactly that. Take a timeout! Even if it is just fifteen minutes, I want you to put yourself in a time out and read how fifteen minutes could change…